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WPHOA Board of Directors


Ten Reasons To Volunteer To Serve On The Waterford Place HOA Board 

There are many reasons why homeowners volunteer to be a part of your Board of Directors. Below are 10 reasons to Volunteer for your Board of Directors. Our community is constantly looking for dedicated and talented homeowners to join our Board of Directors. Give it a shot! 

Why volunteer to be on the Board? 

  1. To protect your property values and maintain the quality of life you expect in your community. 

  2. To correct a problem within your community. For example, perhaps parking is an issue, or maintenance has been neglected. 

  3. To give back to your community and neighbors. 

  4. To be sociable, meet your neighbors, and make friends. 

  5. To advance your career and build your resume by including your leadership capacity and community volunteer service. 

  6. To have fun accomplishing things around your community together with your neighbors. Being on the Board doesn’t always have to be negative. 

  7. To get educated on the many facets of running a community association, such as; the many laws and regulations, maintenance and repair, and understanding financials. 

  8. To express yourself and be creative while offering your opinion on solutions to your community’s day-to-day problems. 

  9. To earn recognition from your peers for your contributions to the community. 

  10. To advance the ‘givers gain’ mentality of improving society while assisting your neighbors throughout the community.  

As you can see, joining your Waterford Place Homeowners Association Board of Directors can be rewarding in many ways. Give it a try!
Credit: Photo by vaeenma

The Role of a Board of Directors

The role of the Board is to protect and increase property value by 1) operating the homeowners association (HOA); 2) maintaining the Common Areas property; and 3) enforcing the governing documents (CC&Rs, Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and rules, regulations, and resolutions (e.g., architectural and environmental control guidelines, parking regulations, etc.)).

A board member's fiduciary duties involve three essential components:

* the duty of care
* the duty of loyalty, and
* the duty to act within the scope of its (Board of Directors) authority.

BUSINESS UP FRONT: Common ownership communities are a business – a fact that board members and homeowners should keep in mind when volunteering for their community association and setting expectations for what a board can accomplish. "It's not about them as individuals; it's about operating a business. So you've got to do what's right for the business and not for yourself. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be on the board."

(Quote by Jeff Roude, partner with Sax LLP (accounting and tax))

Waterford Place HOA Board Meetings, A&E Review Committee Meetings

Waterford Place HOA Board of Directors Reports


WPHOA Board of Directors & Officers (10/2023-10/2024)
  • President: Arienne Brown
  • Vice President: Kenneth Buch
  • Treasurer/Secretary: Jacquie Roberts
  • Member-at-Large: Jennifer Watkins
NOTE: The “Term ends” listed below indicates
the end of the term (year) serving on the Waterford Place HOA Board of Directors, not the end of the term in the Board Officer position. The Board Officer positions are for 12-month (1-year) appointments, and the current Board of Directors members elect the officers of the Board of Directors during the next Board of Directors meeting following each Annual Meeting.

Board member Term ends Contact info